The "Anfangsglück" program supports actors in family-related institutions in competently accompanying (expectant) parents with regard to a balanced and health-promoting diet. In addition, Anfangsglück offers attractive programs for (expectant) parents themselves. The #prevention program to promote #nutritional competence is designed to provide support during the first 1,000 days of a child's life - i.e. from conception to the completion of the second year of life. Together and through @Blumberry GmbH - Agentur für Kommunikation we were allowed to take care of the website design, as well as the implementation / development. An important part of the site was the #accessibility and presentation of the project information.

The Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e. V. (PKV), together with DSPN (Dein Starker Partner für Netzwerke) and peb (Plattform Ernährung und Bewegung), launched the program "Anfangsglück - Ernährung gemeinsam entdecken" (initial happiness - discovering nutrition together). The PKV association finances the development and testing of Anfangsglück. It is also responsible for the strategic management of the program.Additionally we took care of the visual design and branding extension.